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arya samaj indore marriageIndore Arya samaj provides intercast marriage services through Akhil Bharat Arya Samaj Trust in Indore. Arya Samaj trusts that in inclusive Society and hence within cast or inter cast marriages from Indore are also solemnised by arya purohit or called arya samaj Panditji. Arya Samaj marriage is not different from a traditional hindu marriage ceremony, people marriages at Arya Samaj Mandir are accomplished very similar to that Hinduism, So marriage is performed with major Hindu procedures.

If you have completed all your documentary procedures you may come same day for marriage. It would be helpful for Indore people if you pre-book the premises in advance before 3 or 4 days to avoid any inconvenience. Please note that do not come before calling us on the phone. After solemnizing the marriage Arya Samaj will provide you with the Legal Arya Samaj Certificate of Marriage registration. We would like to clarify to such individuals from Indore that the marriages at Arya Samaj Mandir are performed very similar to that of Hindu rituals. Only difference is that in the marriage ceremony ancient Pundit’s use lots of verses from Vedas along with other verses from scriptures. The founder of Arya Samaj, Maharshi Dayananda has described marriage ceremony verses recitation purely from Vedas.

Our Address : Arya Samaj Marriage Mandir, Bank Colony, Annapurna Main Road, Indore (MP)

Indore has their own tradition and process of marriage ceremony and rituals. Marriage is a very significant process where traditional activities and local rituals are conducted in a very short span of time. Today, Indore people do not have much time in the fast going world and they cannot sit in the marriage ceremony for a long time and can’t take leave for many days. The routine of life has become very fast and everybody is in a rush and they pressurize the Pandit who solemnizes the marriage because they do not have sufficient time.

Marriages (Vivah Sanskar) solemnized in Arya Samaj Mandir Indore are legally recognized under the Arya Marriage Recognition Act-1937, Act No. 19 of 1937. Arya Samaj Marriage, Indore, Madhya Pradesh is run by All India Arya Samaj Trust. All India Arya Samaj Trust is a socio, educational, religious and charitable trust which is registered under the Indian Public Trust Act, Government of India, New Delhi.

Arya Samaj Mandir in Indore is the only Arya Samaj Marriage Mandir Indore. Apart from this, there is no other Arya Samaj temple or branch in Indore for marriage associated with us. Please be assured before taking the marriage related proceedings (registrations), you should make sure that your marriage is taking place in a legal and registered institution recognized by the Government for getting Arya Samaj marriage. Don't get confused and misled by seeing any big hall or building or temple or shiny office claiming to be Arya Samaj Temple or Arya Samaj Mandir.

aryasamaj annapurna indore

More Information About Arya Samaj Marriage Indore

Arya Samaj and Arya Samaj Marriage, Arya Samaj Mandir, Court Marriage, Arya Samaj Head Office and regional office and similar names are widely being circulated on the internet by many fake websites and misleading advertisements by fraud people. Therefore this information is given in the public interest that while dealing with them through Arya Samaj wedding method, marriage ceremony arrangements or any other kind of it should be absolutely ensured by you that the work being done by them is fully legal and authentic with written permission by the government or No. For this, the concerned people must see the written permission given by the government to the Arya Samaj Mandir to get the inter-caste, ideal marriage done, so that there is no chance to fraud with you. You can also call on our helpline number or walk at our Arya Samaj office premises to confirm the facts.

1. For the birth proof of both the bride and groom, the high school mark sheet or any government approved document, voter ID, Aadhar card or passport or any other government document is required for identification. For Arya Samaj Marriage, the age of the groom should be more than 21 years and the age of the bride should be more than 18 years.

2. Both the bride and groom have to submit an affidavit in the prescribed format attested by a notary appointed by the Arya Samaj Trust. Affidavits attested by any other notary will not be accepted for Arya Samaj Marriage Indore.

3. 6-6 colour photographs of passport size of both the bride and groom is required in Arya Samaj Marriage Registration Process.

4. A total of four witnesses, including two from both the sides, with their respective identity cards. Witnesses must be above 21 years of age when arriving at Arya Samaj Mandir.

5. Death certificate of spouse in case of widow/widower and talaqnama (decree) in case of divorcee.

6. The gotra of the bride and groom should be separate and there should not be any forbidden kinship as per the Hindu Marriage Act.

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