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यह सत्य है कि संसार और मोक्ष परस्पर विरुद्ध हैं। अतः उनके कारण भी अलग-अलग होने चाहिए और दोनों के कारण अलग-अलग हैं भी। संसारक भौतिक सुखों का कारण धर्म के पालन से प्राप्त शुभ भावरूप पुण्य है।

Arya Samaj Mandir Bank Colony, Annapurna Road, Sudama Nagar, Indore upholds the tradition of simplicity of procedures and non-extravagance which is commonly associated with these marriages. Whether it is the love marriage, arranged marriage or the inter-caste and inter-religion marriages, we serve you with the best of our services to help you bond with your beloved for a life-time.
If You are making plan to get married without huge expenses, Then your are on the right place. Marriage in Arya Samaj Mandir is very easy going procedure. More than hundreds marriage record & successful marrige makes us proud, making it one of the prominent temples in Indore and adjoining areas for this purpose. With continued adherence to the essential tenets of the Arya Samaj Mandir Wedding and abiding by the law of the land, we carry out the whole procedure with traditional Vedic rituals.
Marriage services in Arya Samaj Mandir Indore have been used by the people from far and wide like: Madhya Pradesh, Chhattishgarh, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, New Delhi & other states for getting married in a completely legal way. (Besides carrying out the actual marriages, we also provide the pre-marriage consultancy strictly from the legal perspective.) We examine each case of marriage strictly from legal standpoint and follow the procedures enshrined therein in to.
If you have any Query & Plan for marriage in Arya Samaj Mandir, Don’t hesitate Just Call to Mr. Dev Arya Shastri - 09302101186

आवश्यक सूचना को ध्यान से पढ़ें - इन्दौर में अखिल भारत आर्यसमाज ट्रस्ट का Recognized & Approved Legal केन्द्र केवल अन्नपूर्णा रोड पर दशहरा मैदान के सामने बैंक कॉलोनी में है। इंदौर में इसके अतिरिक्त अखिल भारत आर्यसमाज ट्रस्ट का अन्य कोई Authorized मन्दिर या शाखा अथवा केन्द्र नहीं है। इसके अलावा किसी व्यक्ति या संस्था द्वारा चलाये जा रहे किसी भी केन्द्र या शाखा के लिए अखिल भारत आर्यसमाज ट्रस्ट जिम्मेदार नहीं है।

Please do not call us after 8:00 PM

Contact for more information- 

National Administrative Office
Akhil Bharat Arya Samaj Trust
Arya Samaj Mandir Annapurna
Narendra Tiwari Marg
Near Bank of India
Opp. Dussehra Maidan
Bank Colony, Indore (M.P.) 452009
Tel.: 0731-2489383, 9302101186 

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It is true that samsara and moksha are opposite to each other. Therefore, their reasons must also be different and the reasons for both are different. The cause of worldly material pleasures is the auspiciousness in the form of virtue obtained by following Dharma.
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शुभ कर्म का परिणाम हमेशा सुफल, सखद ही होता है और बुरे कर्म यानी हत्या, लूट, बेईमानी, असंयम, क्रोध, झूठ आदि कर्मों का परिणाम हमेशा दुःख ही होता है तो संसार सुख, भौतिक सुख प्राप्त करने का कारण पुण्य है तो वहीं मुक्ति का कारण वीतराग भावरूप शुद्ध भावरूप धर्म है।
The result of auspicious deeds is always fruitful, and the result of bad deeds ie murder, robbery, dishonesty, incontinence, anger, lies etc. is always sorrow, then the reason for getting worldly happiness, physical happiness is virtue, then there is liberation. The reason for vitarag bhavarupa is pure bhavarupa dharma.
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धर्म के पालन से व्यक्ति में वैराग्य भाव, वीतराग भाव पैदा होता है। वैराग्य भाव, वीतराग भाव के कारण व्यक्ति राग-द्वेष, सुख-दुःख, मान-अपमान, आसक्ति, कर्म-संस्कार, कर्तापन की भावना आदि विविध प्रकार के बंधनों से मुक्त हो जाता है। फलस्वरूप उसके ह्रदय में भगवत्प्रीति बढ़ती जाती है, जिससे अंततः उसे मुक्ति प्राप्ति होती है।
By following religion, a person develops a sense of disinterest, a sense of disinterest. Due to Vairagya Bhaav, Vitarag Bhaav, a person becomes free from various types of bondages like attachment-hatred, happiness-sorrow, honor-disgrace, attachment, karma-rites, feeling of doership etc. As a result, the love of God increases in his heart, due to which he finally attains liberation.

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